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Linije bez promenjivih alata za profilisanje U i C nosača

Rollforming line with fixed tools for U and C profiles

Linije za proizvodnju profila koji se koriste u suvoj gradnji.

Line for production of profiles which are used in dry construction.

Metal-Produkt je renomirana kompanija sa 33 godine iskustva u proizvodnji raznih linija. Specijalizovani smo za proizvodnju linija bez promenjivih alata  za profilisanje U i C profila za suvu gradnju. Jedna od nasih istaknutih karakteristika je i mogućnost proizvodnje linija sa promenljivim alatima za profilisanje ovih profila.

Linije koje proizvodi Metal-Produkt su dizajnirane da optimizuju efikasnost i produktivnost. Oni uključuju tri uvodna stola za tri razlicite ulazne trake, od kojih je svaki posvećen različitoj ulaznoj traci i njenim dienzijama. Ovo eliminiše potrebu za promenom alata tokom procesa profilisanja, što rezultira neprekidnom i efikasnom proizvodnjom.

  Da bi poboljšao svestranost linija. Profilne makaze i prese za probijanje 6mm i H otvora mogu biti putujuce , pomocu servo motora ili mogu biti u stabilnom radu.Ova fleksibilnost omogućava kupcima da prilagode linije svojim specifičnim zahtevima i proizvodnim potrebama.Linije se mogu pohvaliti izuzetnom tehnološkom brzinom kretanja materijala. Bez probijanja otvora, linije mogu postići brzinu do 60 m/min, obezbeđujući brzu i efikasnu proizvodnju. Sa probijanjem otvora, brzina je blago smanjena na 40 m/min, i dalje zadržavajući zavidan tempo.

Metal-Produkt se ponosi isporukom proizvoda visokog kvaliteta.Koristimo vrhunske materijale za proizvodnju najboljih dostupnih linija za profilisanje i rasecanje lima u regionu Balkana. Nasa posvećenost je očigledna i ogleda se u izdržljivosti i pouzdanosti nasih linija. Pored proizvodnje i isporuke linija, Metal-Produkt čini sve da obezbedi zadovoljstvo kupaca. Pružamo sveobuhvatne usluge, uključujući montažu linija na licu mesta na adresi kupca.Ovo klijentima štedi vreme i trud, omogućavajući im da se fokusiraju na svoje osnovne poslovne aktivnosti.Da bi garantovao nesmetan rad, Metal-Produkt sprovodi temeljno testiranje vodova nakon montaže.

Ovo osigurava da svaka linija ispunjava najviše standarde kvaliteta i performansi. Štaviše, kompanija nudi obuku kako bi se klijenti usmeravali o tome kako efikasno rukovati i upravljati linijama.Obuka osigurava da kupci mogu postići optimalnu produktivnost i maksimizirati povraćaj svoje investicije. Održavajući transparentnu i efikasnu komunikaciju, Metal-Produkt obezbeđuje da se finalni proizvod savršeno uskladi sa očekivanjima kupaca.

Metal-Produktove linije bez promenjivih alata za profilisanje U i C nosaca za suvu gradnju izdvajaju se po svojoj sposobnosti profilisanja bez izmene alata. Ugradnja tri stola i opcija za profilne makaze i prese za probijanje otvora doprinose svestranosti i efikasnosti linija.

Sa izuzetnom tehnološkom brzinom kretanja materijala i posvećenošću kvalitetu, Metal-Produkt se etablirao kao vodeći proizvođač linija za dizajniranje i izradu linija za profilisanje lima u regionu Balkana. Njihove sveobuhvatne usluge, uključujući isporuku, montažu, testiranje i obuku, dodatno doprinose zadovoljstvu i uspehu kupaca.

Metal-Produkt is a renowned company with 33 years of experience in the production of various lines. We are specialized in the production of lines without changeable tools for the profiling of U and C profiles for dry construction. One of our outstanding features is the ability to produce lines with variable tools for profiling these profiles.

The lines produced by Metal-Produkt are designed to optimize efficiency and productivity. They include three feeding tables for three different feed lanesinput strips, each dedicated to a different feed lane and its dimensions. This eliminates the need to exchange tools during the profiling process, resulting in continuous and efficient production.

To improve the versatility of the lines. Profile shears and presses for punching Phi 6 and H holes can be traveling, with the help of a servo motor, or they can be in stable operation. This flexibility allows customers to adapt the lines to their specific requirements and production needs. The lines can boast of an exceptional technological speed of material movement. Without punching, the lines can reach speeds of up to 60 m/min, ensuring fast and efficient production. With punching, the speed is slightly reduced to 40 m/min, still maintaining an enviable pace.

Metal-Produkt prides itself on delivering high quality products. We use premium materials to produce the best sheet metal profiling and cutting lines available in the Balkan region. Our commitment is evident and reflected in the durability and reliability of our lines. In addition to the production and delivery of lines, Metal-Produkt does everything to ensure customer satisfaction. We provide comprehensive services, including on-site installation of lines at the customer’s address. This saves customers time and effort, allowing them to focus on their core business activities. To guarantee smooth operation, Metal-Produkt conducts thorough testing of lines after installation.

This ensures that each line meets the highest standards of quality and performance. Furthermore, the company offers training to guide customers on how to effectively operate and manage the lines. The training ensures that customers can achieve optimal productivity and maximize the return on their investment. Metal-Produkt understands that every customer is unique. Therefore, they work closely with their customers to understand their specific needs and customize the lines accordingly. By maintaining transparent and efficient communication, Metal-Produkt ensures that the final product perfectly matches the expectations of the customers.

Metal-Produkt’s lines without changeable tools for profiling U and C supports for dry construction stand out for their ability to profile without changing tools. The installation of three tables and options for profile shears and punching presses add to the versatility and efficiency of the lines.

With exceptional technological speed of material movement and commitment to quality, Metal-Produkt has established itself as a leading manufacturer of lines for the design and production of sheet metal profiling lines in the Balkan region. Their comprehensive services, including delivery, installation, testing and training, further contribute to customer satisfaction and success.